41-5130 | 10¼” (260mm), straight |
41-5131 | 10¼” (260mm), curved |
41-5135 | 12″ (305mm), straight |
41-5136 | 12″ (303mm), curved |
41-5130 | 10¼” (260mm), straight |
41-5131 | 10¼” (260mm), curved |
41-5135 | 12″ (305mm), straight |
41-5136 | 12″ (303mm), curved |
Size | 41-5130, 41-5131, 41-5135, 41-5136 |
Dale Thoracic Rongeurs
$0.00Finochietto Infant Rib Spreader
$0.00Burford Rib Spreader
$0.00Sauerbruck Rib Shears
$0.00Bailey Rib Contractor, Pediatric
$0.00Cooley Atrial Valve Retractors
$0.00Plain Rib Shears
$0.00Cooley Pediatric Sternal Retractor
$0.00Stille-Giertz Rib Shears
$0.00Burford Rib Spreader
$0.00Bethune-Coryllos Rib Shears, Right
$0.00Alexander-Farabeuf Periosteotome
$0.00Adson Dura Hook
$0.00Stille-Luer-Echlin Angular Duckbill Rongeur
$0.00Henly Retractor, Improved Pattern
$0.00Lemmon Sternal Approximator, Adult
$0.00Gluck Rib Shears
$0.00Morse Sternal Retractor
$0.00Lebsche Sternum Knife
$0.00Davidson Scalpula Retractors
$0.00Stille- Luer Rongeurs
$0.00Ankeney Sternal Retractor, Adult
$0.00Bailey Rib Contractor, Adult
$0.00Tuffier Rib Spreaders
$0.00Finochietto Infant Rib Spreader
$0.00Burford-Finochietto Rib Spreader
$0.00Echlin Angular Duckbill Rongeurs
$0.00Bailey-Finochietto Pediatric Rib Spreader
$0.00Ruskin-Liston Bone Splitting Forceps
$0.00Favaloro-Morse Sternal Retractor
$0.00Cooley Sternal Retractors
$0.00Harken Rib Spreader and Scalpula Retractor
$0.00Ankeney Sternal Retractor, Child
$0.00Ross Aortic Valve Retractors
$0.00Ochsner Vascular Retractor, Self-Retaining, Swivel
$0.00Desmarres-Type Valve Retractors
$0.00Castaneda Sternal Retractors
$0.00Bethune-Coryllos Rib Shears, Left
$0.00Bailey-Gibbon Rib Contractor
$0.00Crawford Aortic Retractors
$0.00Ruskin Rongeurs
$0.00Henly Retractor, Original Pattern
$0.00Haight Pediatric Rib Spreader
$0.00Doyen Raspatories
$0.00Matson Rib Stripper and Elevator
$0.00Bethune Rib Shears
$0.00Morse Sternal Retractor
$0.00Stille-Horsley Bone Cutting Forceps
$0.00Ruskin-Jay Rongeur
$0.00Garrett Peripheral Vascular, Self-Retaining Retrac
$0.00© copyright 2025 , All rights reserved by Utek-USA